
Monx Adom

Posted in Answers, Cool shit, Rants, Reality, Stupid-heads, Uncategorized by waldopaper on April 15, 2023

This day is about Redemption.

And why your own daughter comes to hate you
( regarding love and art )
All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you.

Redemption is possible.  Anything is possible.  It is a question of probability.    Henry was his nom de guerre.  Like a nickname.  Redeem means to buy back… which means that you bought it in the first place, you deemed it so- right?  Punta was waiting for Henry to get to the point.  Hancock the Superb they called him.  I was there.  I saw how he did it during the battle that was the turning point of what Americans now call our recent unpleasantness.  It was unpleasant as hell.  But there he was with his white cuffs and manicured hands atop a fine horse giving sensible commands- yes indeed he was proud.  So what did we buy back in the first place- something that was never ours and never could be.  Immortality.    He was good- but Grant had no use for him.  Pandora kept her box shut. 

The pecan trees look wonderful! What are those other trees that line the back acreage. McCandless smiled. We had a Nigerian family join us. When freed, they don’t want to go north and the good news of our farm draw him to us. He say he bring African kola nuts for us that grow into trees, like pecans. So I say fine and they move in and work hard and the trees coming along. We’ll see what they do. They promise that the nuts are good for stomach problems and energy. Takes longer… but they work hard and like how we share profits. I’ll show them to you as we meet up. Monx Adom is the man’s name. His wife is Uter and daughter Rane. You’ve handled things very well. Are the neighbors behaving. They been pretty busy without slave labor and the ones that are tryin’ to work their own lands are finding out… it pays to pay somethin’ for help.

They ain’t rich like they used to be, but they see value to the land. And the help… all of a sudden. Hardest for them to be nice about it though. Dixie Daisy and McCandless wandered off, Daisy fussing and gushing, McCandless pointing and laughing as they made their ways around the farm. Henry moved off toward the the front porch with the old Meerschaum pipe he kept at the farm- bought himself in Budapest. The maiden’s breasts carved into the bowl was ever pleasing to his fingers. He always wanted a figurehead for the Dart made in replication to his favorite pipe and had never gotten around to finding the artist for the job. He named the pipe Lorelei in homage to the cliff dwelling beauty of the Rhine who sang to lure sailors to their deaths. Henry thought it a most appropriate name for his pipe. Smoking was an unhealthy and deathly pleasure.

But first they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, prince with the swift warning.

He would name the figurehead Lorelei also- feeling ultimately the same way about the Dart. A very dark skinned man came to the front of the rocker and boldly introduced himself. I am new to the plantation. My name is Monx Adom. I come from Nigeria. You must be the Hessian warrior. Henry nodded – tightening his lips – purposely examining the eyes of the man in front of him… finally uttering once more. Ja. The kola nut is also good for other things and here I give you a few. They are carried for good luck and health and fortune also. Henry took them without comment after rolling them around in his hand. He rocked back and waited for the reason for the conversation. It never came. I’m impressed by your English he finally said. Not a trace of an accent either. Accents are for the lazy say Monx. Ja? Yesss. (Morgana has come for the little wizard).

Don’t worry.  Don’t hurry.  It’s better to be late at the Golden Gate- than to arrive in Hell on time.  My grandfather said it to me- and now I say it to you.  What you do with it is your business.  He also said: never try to outtalk a woman- they’ll be talking long after you’re dead.  I lost my gender war.  Licked out of my boots as crazy Phil would say.  The point is- young flier- Daisy must never see you aboard the Dart… and when she is aboard- you must never see her.  If you do- an explosion is the result.  Anti-matter does not matter.  Just a big bang.  Henry told Daisy of his concerns regarding Monx Adom. She briefed McCandless on Mr. Adom and left the farm in what she had always known to be in good hands. Henry gave her a kola nut for good luck, along with a playful little swat on her behind.

Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed.

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