
Mean Moon

Posted in Uncategorized by waldopaper on February 12, 2023

Ozone and Brimstone

Mayday mayday; off Savannah GA. 1861

Hawk of the Rocks,
   Yours is our cause to-day.
   Watching your foes
   Here in our war array

A year after Mount Airy plantation   Richmond, Virginia, April 1860   

Last week at sea I fucked our cabin boy in the ass.  Chaska was nonplused.  Thabo shook his head.  Nigger please.  Watchoo doin on those long nights at sea.  Trying to sort things out.  That is for dream time noted Chaska.  White people don’t dream Thabo snapped at Chaska.  Boys please.  My deal as usual.  Shakedown cruise.  Had me shaken in my shoes then starlight lost in the night drift away and it feels alright.  You must stay on course noted Chaska with grim certainty.  What course burped Thabo looking at his hand.  You get in wicked trouble.  Ace of spades assholes.  Chaska threw down diamonds.  Clubs as usual goddammit said Henry.  

South Carolina had just seceded from the United States. The growing Confederacy of the south had not been taken seriously enough by northern interests until it was too late. By then Major Anderson had loosely staffed Fort Sumter in Charleston Harbor for the Union army, thinking they would have the strategic advantage for the north. Again underestimating southern sentiments, the understaffed fort was easily brought down by the South Carolina Militia by their numbers alone. The cutting off of supplies to the fort ultimately enabled the retreat of the Union Army and the return of Charleston Harbor. Port Royal Island proved to be easily protected by the growing Union presence. They never interfered with the town’s commerce and this was to their advantage. For the time at hand, they conveniently ignored the surrounding issue of slavery.

The Dart materialized on the day of surrender of Fort Sumter. Henry was unprepared for the constant boarding and searching of his vessel by the South Carolina Militia. Suspecting the Dart to be a supply ship for the Union Army, the militia annoyed Henry with constant interruption at sea while trying to get Daisy ashore and inland to a safe and quiet resumption of the life she loved as she used to know it.  Henry, behind her pillow, spoke as softly as he knew how, so as not to startle her. He was concerned as to her lengthy time at being drugged. Daisy, do not be concerned. It’s Henry, I’m sitting behind you. We’re going back to your Georgia plantation, he rose and came into her line of vision and she immediately tried to force herself up. He went on. Wait my dear. Just stay in a lying position for awhile. They tell me the anesthesia causes powerful headaches.

The Indian came over with some oranges and handed her one which she grabbed instantly. She kept gathering up her clothes around her that were too ample for her slim body. This time when she tried to talk, words formed in an untidy spew of garble. Henry. Not here. There. Where’s Georgia. It will take some getting used to, but we have gone back somewhat in time Daisy. I’m glad you recognize me. Where’s Georgia. Just to the south of here is Savannah. We’ll take a coach to Savannah, then a train to Atlanta and a coach home. Where are we now. We’re in Beaufort, South Carolina. The southern states have separated from the northern United States and we are presently in the only town in the south that appears to be occupied by northern soldiers. I’m leaving my boat here. We need to leave here the minute you are well enough. Henry, but where did we come from. I’ve lost memory. How did we get to this boat.

They found a busy little tea room that served sandwiches and located two seats against the wall near the rear where they would draw less attention. A lone Union soldier in uniform followed behind them and found they had gotten the last table. Henry asked him to join them with a most dazzling smile adding to his countenance. The old Daisy was slowly returning as she looked agitated by Henry’s opportunism. I thank you for the invitation to dine with you as I’m very short of time. My name is William Sherman. I’m Henry and this is my sister Daisy Henry said extending his hand to William, while Daisy made a face and rolled her eyes.

Power to restore
   All that the white hand mars.
   See the dead east
   Crushed with the iron cars—

I am told many captains fuck their cabin boys.  I can’t see it continued Thabo.  I can said Chaska and raise you two.  Double or nothing grinned Henry.  You like the skull on our old flag say stone face Chaska.  Fucking the cabin boy is smack nigger.  It was her idea mumbled Henry toward Thabo (meaning no one in particular).  She worked the deck topless in the heat as do any cabin boy.  We sailed with her Henry.  We know.  Does not excuse anything scrunched Chaska and raise you two.  I wasn’t looking for excuses mumbled Henry picking up a card.  I am talking about the cultural development of mammary glands. 

And there I was with Daisy playing cards with Billy Sherman.  You bluff like girl.  Me give more chips says Chaska.  Tecumseh.  Panther in the sky.  Lightning War Club.  They don’t let no niggers in the front door there, no sir, say Thabo opening Chaska’s funk bottle.  Fuck you too nigger Jim.  I saw something the last voyage out.  You been a pilot.  You know.  Crazy Horse god da mint screaming from Red Mountain in Georgia.  Indian wants a beer in here.  The moon looks mean and the crew ain’t staying there’s gonna be some blood is what they’re all saying.  Punta’s presence was like electrified ozone and brimstone. 

Henry and Daisy and headed toward a clothing store for a very limited two sets of clothing for each of them, paid for by a gold pocket watch Henry had come across in Switzerland. The merchant had never seen anything like it and was generous in bartering with them. Henry needed to find something else to barter in order to get them passage to Savannah. In Savannah, he hoped to find some of his old friends alive who could loan him funds until he could get Daisy back home. It would be then that he would offer his services once again to the highest bidder, regardless of cause.

The shipyard was busy with Union business and Henry’s vessel had northern identification on it. He felt reasonably secure with leaving it there, its appearance so foreign that onlookers would suspect it to be experimentally military. Amidst the others at dock there, it looked formidable in its slip. The Indian and giant were busy securing items to below deck where they were able to lock them in flush and hidden compartments. Henry rummaged for any valuables and found what he needed. He and Daisy were on their way to Savannah and looked liked they belonged there. The two men left on board would follow when a couple of horses became available. They would be on nightwatch for them. The south was beginning to boil.

‘Tis Daylight again on Angela’s Ashes waving particle bored coal ash precipitating down find the cost of freedom buried in the ground .  Jager again at last… Henry flashes the thunder of Captain Blitzen- a character Punta made up for herself in the mirror while everybody was busy watching the battle.  The artifacts we leave behind are deadly weapons.  Mine hoot.  SS Dixie Daisy seemed alone and forlorn in Cincinnati… but she is still very much Queen of the Ohio.  If Thabo ever wanted live on a boat it would be that one since he owned it anyway.  But it’s nineteen oh five you wheat bread heads.  We had dozens like her before the war.  But seeing her here now is kinder creepy.  Like your crazy orange cat Chaska shivered, fanning out his hand. Like your stone ghost pony Thabo folded.  Punta lay down hearts and broke up the game. 

Punta looked at Chaska and Thabo.  Two of you will be ashore when we cast off.  She looked at Henry. 

Not you Henry.

All the young men
   Chanting your cause that day,
   Red-men, new-made
   Out of the Saxon clay,
   Strong and redeemed,
   Bold in your war-array!

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